Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Gulabi Gang: Spatial Revolutionaries

Sampat Pal Devi is a spatial revolutionary. Women in her village are isolated, to say the least. One would think they were virtually powerless in such a rigidly patriarchal society. Wives and daughters subjected to abuse have nowhere to turn and little to hope for. Sampat Pal Devi changed all of this. Through her strong, rebellious presence in public space she has been able to improve social conditions not only for women, but all marginalized groups in her village.

One of her strategies to empower women is by giving them a strong presence in the public sphere. Traditionally, Indian women are taught to be shy and self-effacing and similar to western culture, are typically confined to the private sphere. Sampat Pal Devi contradicted this norm by creating a band of women to confront problems faced by marginalized groups in her village. She encourages these women to “speak their minds and not hide behind their veils.” She calls this band of women the “Gulabi Gang.”

Each woman is required to wear a bright pink sari. This uniform is essential—it distinguishes them and gives them a dramatic presence in public space. She confidently marches women around the village to draw attention and exhibit authority. Through direct action and confrontation this uniform has come to symbolize justice and hope.

She has made her cause legitimate through courageous, public rebellion against inequality. People (both men and women) have come to respect her and turn to her when indifferent government officials are of little help. For example, when a man is reported to have been beating his wife the Gulabi Gang will confront the perpetrator. If the husband refuses to comply they will resort to public shaming, and aren’t afraid to defend themselves with their lathis (bamboo sticks). They even hijacked a truck full of grain when Sampat Pal Devi found out corrupt officials were taking it for themselves.

Before Sampat Pal Devi women and their interests were invisible. I think her cause demonstrates the importance of public space when initiating social change. Through her demand of public space she has given her cause legitimacy, visibility and respect.

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